Watching the experiences of an energetic sponge and his strange sea companions in the submerged city Bikini Bottom.

Noticing how unconventional and unusual all the characters of the show are, it is very conceivable that they are really products of the that way because of the atomic radiation testing

Assuming the fairytale city of Bikini Bottom compares to the genuine Bikini Atoll in the Marshal Islands where the United States tested its atomic devices from 1946 to 1958.

Ed, Edd n Eddy Are In Between Heaven & Hell

The show was odd in its own right as it had many fans wondering about the cul-de-sac and why they act so strangely

It kinda makes sense in an unconventional way based of the way they behaved, and strange varieties in shapes, skin, and tongue shades. vast majority of the characters being from different time spans and the Kanker Sisters being the evil spirits of hell to torture them and the cul-de-sac really being the cemetery where they are buried.

The Jetsons and the Flintstones Live in the Same Society

The first thoughts of the futuristic family the Jetsons and the Stone Age family the Flintstones living in a same time span as well as in exactly the same society might be very all around ok for any Hanna-Barbera fans to turn their head.

The intro of The Flintstones proposed that they were a modern stone age family yet not every person had given a thought about how current they can genuinely be.

Separated into two social orders, the future world is a home to the modern stone-age because of the consequence of endless conflicts while the ones sufficiently fortunate to get away from the rage made home; making sense of the chance of the two families having completely unique developmental foundations.

Aside from the clarification of dinosaurs, the greatest supporting part of the hypothesis is the way that the mechanical gear is all present on the planet that had not been accessible in the Stone Age human progress, for example, vacuum cleaners, restroom showers, stereos, vehicles, and so on.

Scooby and Shaggy Are Pot Heads

The general thought that Norville “Shaggy” Rogers and his reliable canine Scooby-Doo are dependent on the medication pot is an accusation that has been tossed at the makers by many fans since the show became popular. While the couple has never been seen partaking in pot on screen, there have been a few clues all through the series that would demonstrate in any case.

It has been viewed as that Scooby’s capacity to conversate in discussion is nothing more than Shaggy’s high state of mind further making sense of why the Mystery Machine in every case left a ton of smoke at the hour of its start.

The idea turned out to be more famous when in the 2002 dramatic film of similar name, Shaggy experiences passionate feelings for a young lady named Mary Jane – shoptalk for Marijuana. Besides, “doobie” isn’t just Scooby-Doo’s middle name but at the same time is a different way to say pot.